Active Campaigns

Join hands with us in transforming lives through our impactful campaigns, including building mosques, supporting education, sponsoring orphans, providing for food banks, and offering critical medical aid

Support Our Medical Aid Campaign

Every Contribution Saves Lives. Together, Let's Provide Critical Medical Care

Support the Construction of Our Masjid

"Investing in Our Community's Spiritual Home. Your Contribution Paves the

Join Our Education Campaign

Empower the Next Generation through Education. Your Support Fuels Dreams,

support an orphan

Emulate the Prophet's (pbuh) Legacy: Sponsor an Orphan with Tender

The Islamic Food Bank Initiative

We strive to alleviate hunger and nourish souls with the

Contact us

Welcome to AMF for Charity, where your generosity transforms lives. At AMF, we are dedicated to serving our community through Islamic principles of compassion and giving. Whether you’re interested in fulfilling your religious obligations through zakat, sadaqa, or sadaq e jariyah, or joining hands with us in impactful campaigns such as building mosques, supporting education, sponsoring orphans, running food banks, or providing medical aid, we invite you to be a part of our mission.

Contact us today to learn more about our work, how you can get involved, or to share your ideas and suggestions. Together, we can make a difference that reverberates far beyond our own lives