About us
Inspired by the values of our faith, About Ansar ahmad foundation is working towards tackling the root causes of poverty and creating a fairer world for everyone.

about us

‘Indeed, the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity … it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.’
(Qur’an 57:18)

If we advance in the work of humanity, the helpless people will taste life. Inspired by the values of our faith, About Ansar ahmad foundation is working towards tackling the root causes of poverty and creating a fairer world for everyone.

Raised over $200

Sponsored over 50,000

Provided over 2.6 million
people with clean water

our Mission

At AMF Ansar Muhammad Foundation, our mission is rooted in the principles of compassion, empowerment, and community. We are dedicated to serving humanity with integrity and humility, guided by the teachings of Islam.

Through our diverse initiatives in education, healthcare, orphan sponsorship, and humanitarian aid, we strive to uplift the vulnerable, alleviate suffering, and foster positive change in society.

Our unwavering commitment to excellence and accountability drives us to continuously innovate and expand our reach, making a lasting impact on the lives we touch.

Where we Work

Working globally with local communities

We’re working in the Places where there is the most need and tackle the root causes of poverty and respond in emergencies, disasters and conflicts.


Our Services

Community Service
Special Child Care
Community Service
Community Service

Contact us

Welcome to AMF for Charity, where your generosity transforms lives. At AMF, we are dedicated to serving our community through Islamic principles of compassion and giving. Whether you’re interested in fulfilling your religious obligations through zakat, sadaqa, or sadaq e jariyah, or joining hands with us in impactful campaigns such as building mosques, supporting education, sponsoring orphans, running food banks, or providing medical aid, we invite you to be a part of our mission.

Contact us today to learn more about our work, how you can get involved, or to share your ideas and suggestions. Together, we can make a difference that reverberates far beyond our own lives